
quarta-feira, 29 de julho de 2020

O "não" eu já tenho

Oi gentes!

Resolvi fazer uma coisa que em primeiro plano parece tosca. Mandei e-mail para as empresas que gosto aqui, para tentar parceria para meu novo projeto. Vai dar em algo? Não sei. Mas como diz uma amiga: "o não eu já tenho".

Hello there! 

My name is Juliana, professionally I am a housewife and mother. I am a person who loves beautiful things. 

I have a blog, I love to write, only my friends follow me, but I keep writing: about everyday life, about everything, about nothing, about things that make me feel good, little chronicles of life.

My primary language is Portuguese, then English and Spanish. In a few days, my family and I (we are 3, me, my husband and my 4-year-old boy) will move into a new, newly built house. And I have plans for that new beginning. I want to dedicate myself to making each corner cozy, I want to clean our cabinets. I don't know how to make a magazine house, but I want to see my personal touch in every space. For this, I will photograph, I will do price research and I will show the products and each transformation on my Instagram and blog.

The focus of my audience is the entire Brazilian community that lives here, that travels here, that consumes and loves this variety, these novelties. Brazilians are great consumers! :)

If you take a look at my first pictures on Instagram, you will find many cute things, but I just did like an amateur, I just photographed and left these things as a file, since I can't go around buying everything. But I believe that: the next pictures will be much better (I just bought a camera for that :).

From now, I want to promote stores that I love, values ​​and ideas.

This email is going to all the companies that I love, if you read through and want your product on my Instagram, contact me by this email.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

"A small vase of flowers on the table, tiles in the kitchen, tea mugs, a freshly baked cake, party balloons and a glass of champagne ... small details. If I could mix everything that fills my eyes, that's why I leave it registered.

This space is dedicated to cute things. To fill your eyes, warm your heart, inspire."

Instagram: @joujou.froufrou 

Blog: https://joujoumel.blogspot.com

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